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Showing posts from 2013

Summer Time News

What have you been doing this summer? Have you read any good books? Have you made any pictures or written any stories? We've been working on a new book. It's called, The Glass Owl .  We've been thinking about what a glass owl might look like and what a glass owl might do. We look forward to sharing our new book with you soon. Here are some pictures of Bessie rolling around in the grass. She loves to do this. What do you love to do in summer?

Library News

This is a photograph of the library I visited when I was a girl. I loved going to the library! I spent many happy hours there. I especially liked reading stories about girls who had exciting adventures.   Albert Einstein, a famous scientist said, “The only thing that you absolutely have to know is the location of the library.” Why? Because the answers to all your questions can be found there. Counting in the Studio has been accepted into the permanent collection at the Newberry Library in Chicago, Illinois. The Newberry Library is a research library which people visit to learn more about subjects that interest them. The library collection holds hundreds and hundreds of books.   We are very happy to think that our book has found a home there. We would love to see what your library looks like. Draw a picture and send it to us please!  

Jump for Joy!

What is Zeus doing? Zeus is jumping. He seems to think jumping is very fun! He jumps and jumps Look at these other photos of Zeus jumping. What else do you see in the picture? Can you count the paintings on the wall? Can you count the books on the shelf? Can you count the boy's toes? Can you do some jumping? Oh, my gosh, it sure looks like fun! 1, 2, 3 jump!

Snow Zeus

Here's Zeus in the snow. He has a red ball in his mouth. You can also see that his nose is covered in snowflakes!  Have you ever tried counting snowflakes? The first few are easy but if it’s really snowing it’s almost impossible to count how many have fallen. Each snowflake is as different as each person or dog. If you would like to know more about snowflakes we recommend a wonderful book called, The Secret Life of a Snowflake: An Up-Close Look at the Art and Science of Snowflakes by Kenneth Libbrecht .   .